WCFC is made up of the following coalitions serving their respective counties
Inland northwest early learning alliance
Counties served: Ferry, Stevens, Pend Oreille, Lincoln, Spokane, Adams, and Whitman
INWELA meets on the second Thursday of the month, from 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. and on the fourth Thursday of the month from 9:00 -10:30 a.m. Contact Katie and Colleen to learn more.
Katie Maisch | 509.714.8894 |
Colleen Condon | 509.315.8977 |
Investing In children coalition
Counties served: Kittitas and Yakima
ICC meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 2:00 - 3:00 pm. Learn more or join a meeting here.
Lindsay Boswell | 509.379.0296 |
King county early learning coalition
County served: King
KCELC meets on the fourth Monday of the month from 9:30 - 11:00 am. Contact Logan to learn more!
Logan Endres |
North central early learning Coalition
Counties served: Okanogan, Chelan, Douglas, and Grant
NCELC meets on the second Monday of the month 2:00 - 3:00p.m. Contact Janelle, Hanna, and Irma to learn more.
Janelle Bersch |
Hanna Bruning |
Irma Trejo |
Northwest early learning Coalition
Counties served: San Juan, Island, Skagit, Snohomish, and Whatcom
NWEL schedules their meetings quarterly; please contact Linden for more information.
Breana Ramos |
Peninsulas Early Childhood Coalition
Counties served: Kitsap, Jefferson, and Clallam
PECC meets on the first Tuesday of the month from 1:00 - 2:30 pm. Contact Elisia and Victoria to learn more.
Elisia Anderson | 360-477-7060 |
Victoria Hilt | 360-333-1630 |
Pierce county early childhood network
County served: Pierce
PCECN meets on the first Wednesday of the month from 2:30 - 4:00 pm. Please contact Muriel to learn more or register for the meeting here.
Muriel Herrerra-Velasquez |
Southwest washington early learning coalition (SWel)
Counties served: Wahkiakum, Cowlitz, Clark, Skamania, Klickitat, and South Pacific
SWEL partner meetings are on the 2nd Wednesday of every other month, from 1:00 - 2:30 pm, with the exception of summer months. Please contact Debbie to learn more.
Debbie Ham | 360.909.9518 |
southeast early learning coalition
Counties served: Benton, Franklin, Walla Walla, Columbia, Garfield, and Asotin
SELRC meeting on various Tuesdays, August through June, from 2:30 - 4:00 pm. Contact Eiledon and Brittany to learn more.
Eiledon McClellan|
Brittany Hartikainen |
visions for early learning
Counties served: Grays Harbor, Mason, Thurston, Lewis, Pacific, and North Pacific
VEL meets regionally in January, April, July, and October. County coalition meeting schedules can be viewed here. Please contact Sheila to learn more.
Sheila Kavanaugh |